Tuesday 23 June 2015

Eight Ways Real Estate Brokers Can Harness Social Media

1. Post About Property Listings
Posting your properties on your social media account does not only make your listings available to your friends online, it also serves as a sort of a catalog that your friends can share with their other friends on social media. The beauty of having your listings online is that it is accessible to everyone; it helps spread word-of-mouth referrals, too.
2. Create a Facebook Fan Page
Everyone’s on Facebook nowadays, which means it is almost a shame not to have one. Of course you would not want your personal account to be flooded with inquiries, so the best thing to do is to make your own Facebook fan page. It makes it more professional, plus the more likes your page gets, the more visibility it gets, too. Advertise the properties like you would advertise it in person; talk about the merits of your properties and the community surrounding it. Sharing your insights shows people that you are serious and knowledgeable about what you are selling.
3. Post Quality Photos
The beauty of social media is that you can post pictures along with captions describing each image. However, photo quality is paramount as pictures are definitely one of the deciding factors if your prospective clientele wants to have a look-see at your property. Highlight the good parts of the real estate you are selling. Get creative in presenting the quality properties you offer.
4. Use Twitter to Update Your Clients
An active Twitter account is always good to maintain; it shows your concern toward your clients and that you are proactive in connecting with them. It makes you more accessible for any questions or inquiries they may have, while you can also clarify matters about real estate they do not understand. It can also be an avenue for gaining more insights from your clients. Knowing what your clients want will help you assess a chunk of what your market wants.
5. Tag Your Existing Clients In New Property Listings
Tagging is good for existing clients and followers since you know they are already interested in your properties. Proceed with caution, though, as some people tend to be annoyed if they see random pictures on their wall. Note down those who are interested, and those who have inquired previously since they will mostly be the ones who will not mind. Do not worry if you think it will not reach as many people as you like. Chances are if they like your offers enough, they will tag their friends, too.
6. Post Real Estate News and Tips
News and tips about property are usually the ones that are reposted or shared on social media. Why? This offers practical information, even for those who are not real estate-savvy. You can reach beyond your existing market by helping pique their interest in real estate and offering useful information. Share articles that you think may be of help to your clients, give them your own tips—it helps make marketing more interactive and can lead prospective buyers to your listings.
7. Ask Questions
Engage your followers in opening up discussions about topics related to real estate, or just ask simple questions about how they want to set up their property, interior decorating matters, or what they are looking for in properties. The idea is to get a picture of what they are searching for. You are not only being interactive with your followers but you can also get ideas on what engages them. Again, a key to good marketing is knowing your clients and knowing what they want.
8. Use Your Hashtags Wisely
Hashtags are often overused these days, but they can be an advantage when used wisely. Since they are meant to say something about your posts, adding one hashtag your market take notices of may lead more clients to your listings. Make sure to use hashtags that actually represent what you are posting. Misleading keywords tend to turn people off.

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